Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chicken2.0, The Adult Sex Game

Chicken 2.0 is now live in Google Play. Check out the best selling ad free adult sex game in Google

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Chicken Is Now In Apple App Store!!!!

It has happened. Chicken is now in Apple's App store. Download it now at discounted price. Same exact game as in GooglePlay with added option to get challenge updates without updating the app.

Check it out!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Chicken 2.0

Chicken had to take a short break from GooglePlay but version 2.0 will be available in a couple hours at the link below. Enjoy :)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Chicken 1.5.8 Update

Fans of Chicken. I apologize for the bug in version 1.5.7  causing the game to hang. Fortunately version 1.5.8 quickly addresses the bug fix. I created this post because a couple people were having trouble with reinstalling the application. This post is intended to help anyone that needs to reinstall. Anyone that never had version 1.5.7 does not need to worry about this.
First off it is not enough to just reinstall the game. The game must be uninstalled first. With JellyBean I was able to uninstall, reboot, reinstall and everything was good. With KitKat I had to clear my cache first. A couple apps I suggest for clearing the cache are Android Assistant and App Cache Cleaner ( I have no connection to those apps I'm just suggesting because they worked for me). So first uninstall the application, then clean your cache, then reboot the device.
After the reboot install Chicken Version 1.5.8. If you get the screen below then the game did not uninstall all the way and will likely give you problems.
If you had a good uninstall this is the screen you should be getting when you reinstall the game. If you get the screen above instead of the one below click cancel, clear your cache and reboot again.
 I did a very aggressive cache cleaning and after two uninstalls I was able to get a good install. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I don't know why it doesn't clear correctly off certain devices while it does on others but I assure you the update is worth it.