Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why I'm Leaving Apple For Android, And Why You Should Too

Three years ago I decided to make the big switch and trade in my Blackberry for an iPhone. I had decided that Blackberry just wasn't keeping up with the times. For a while I couldn't have been happier with my decision to switch. Apple at the time was leading the market in smart phones leaving Google to catch up.

A few months ago I decided I wanted to make a fun adult application for iPhones. I specifically made this application for Iphones, no other devices. I did my research ahead of time to make sure that there were no apps similar to the one I was going to create and to make sure that mine wasn't going to be too mature for Apple. After doing my research I found plenty of apps that were far dirtier than mine was planned to be. Not only that I found none that were anywhere close to the same as mine.

So I created my application and submitted to Apple. A week later I got a notice that they rejected it claiming that it was to similar to the Kama Sutra App. Are you freakin kidding me? The Kama Sutra is a sex position guide, not a game. It was obvious they were just trying to keep my game out of their store. So I appealed their decision. A week later I got a call from their appeals representative finding other problems, assuring me that if I fixed them they would love to have my game in their store. Yes just a way to waste more of my time with false hopes. Some of the problems she stated were that the game is too slow (BS it was tested on several devices and even on my 3GS its the fastest application I have) and the language is too crude and needs to be toned down without giving specifics (no problem I can work with that). Well the good news in this was that the appeals found me in the right that it was in no way similar to the Kama Sutra app. So all I had to do was fix it up and it would be approved right? Not. 

I did everything Apple asked me to do but they proved that there were no real issues, no they were looking for issues just to keep my game out. After cleaning up the language they tell me my game has adult content. No duh. I appealed again. It's not like my game is the only app with adult content. I tried my best to find words that are not offensive but look, this game is made for adults. Why else would Apple have a rating system that includes subjects like nudity(there is no nudity in my game), gambling, etc if they don't allow it? So after this appeal they came back with the same lame answer. So I went into their store and after just a quick 3 minute search here are some of the apps I have with way more suggestive content than my game (see screenshots below). Take note. One game was approved April 19, 2012, around the same time my game was denied. Also take note of the themes: orgies, threesomes, gay sex, anal sex, masturbation, etc. How can this content be acceptable in there store yet my game is offensive? It's obvious that if you know the right person there your game makes it in the store. If you don't you're screwed. 

When I was working on this app I had a friend that is an Android user tell me that Google is awesome but Apple is just a bunch of rich stuck up people. He couldn't be more right. They aren't friendly for developers at all. You can waste a lot of time and money developing a game just to have it shot down. On the other hand Google instantly approved my game and it's been selling like hotcakes. 

Well their loss. I will keep my game with Android and tell everyone I know to avoid Apple products. Not only that but since I am a Systems Admin for 600 users who are getting ready to migrate off Blackberries next fiscal year I will make sure they go with Android instead of Apple. Why should I or anyone I know buy from an unfriendly company who won't work with people at developing new products? Anyone who is thinking of buying an Apple product or developing for Apple, run! You're wasting your time. There's easier companies to work with.

And here is my super offensive game. It's so offensive to suggest people to have sex using a lot of positions that are already listed in their other apps. At least my game is creative. Apple has 100 sex position guides and not a single good sex game.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great app! I would buy it, but I am stuck with an iPhone for now.
    Have you considered other publishing venues? There is a cross-platform app store called OpenAppMkt. Or, depending on how it's written, it might just be easy enough port to HTML5/js.

    Keep innovating,
